GPS signals can not reach most of the covered areas. So it is impossible locating, tracking and monitoring the forklifts, vehicles, staff and objects at indoor places with GPS signals.
Tags are located on the dynamic objects and Anchors are located on the walls and ceilings. The number of anchors and tags is determined by the size of the environment, the obstacle situation and the number of objects to be followed.
The distance between tags and anchors are measured with TDOA (Time Difference of Arrival) technique.
By using UWB (Ultra Wide Band) signals and RTLS technology, position data of the dynamic objects is calculated and received to the database/cloud. Remote monitoring can be done via interfaces and necessary analysis can be taken.
This system is suitable for all institutions and organizations that want to monitor real-time positions of people, objects or industrial vehicles in all indoor environments, such as large hospitals, airports, shopping malls, parking lots, mine-coal quarries.
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